Become an Undergraduate Research Assistant

CMN 199 Experimental Research and New Communication Technologies

Instructor Name Jorge Peña
Credit Type Social Science
Short Title Experimental Research and New Communication Technologies
Complete Description of 199 Undergraduate research assistants needed for Dr. Jorge Peña’s Virtual Interaction & Communication Technology (VICTR) lab in the Department of Communication. Our laboratory conducts studies on the persuasive effects of virtual experiences and how people use language and form impressions in computer-mediated contexts. Students in the VICTR lab are in charge of running behavioral experiments, including: scheduling subjects, consenting subjects, explaining the tasks, using computers, creating databases, etc. As they gain experience, students may become more involved in designing their own studies. Lab studies involve behavioral measures, such as accelerometer-based measurement and behavioral coding. Additional measures include attitudes, personality, and awareness of influence questionnaires.
List Prerequisites
(if any)
We are looking for enthusiastic, well-organized students with excellent interpersonal skills. Applicants must have an excellent academic record, with a GPA of at least 3.2. Computer experience is highly desirable, but previous research experience is not required.
Additional Comments
(if any)
This is a great opportunity for responsible students who are interested in applying to graduate school and technology-related jobs. We require a registration of at least 2 units (6 hours/week). Our lab is located in 378-380 Kerr Hall.
Contact person Jorge Peña
Phone (530) 754-0977